If a young man gets married, starts a family, and spends the rest of his life working at a soul-destroying job, he is held up as an example of virtue and responsibility.She is best known for her 1971 book The Manipulated Man and its various follow-ups, which argue that, contrary to common feminist and women's rights rhetoric, women in industrialized cultures are not oppressed, but rather exploit a well-established system of manipulating men. She trained and practised as a medical doctor before establishing herself as an author. Everyone should read this, no doubt.Esther Vilar (born Esther Margareta Katzen, Septemin Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine-German writer. A sense you're a Lovecraftian or Linda Hamilton Terminator esque-character who's one of the "lucky few" to have glimpsed something you've never even conceived of and see coming, and the hopelessness that millions upon millions of unaware humans will continue the cycle. As I was reading it utterly shocked me at first, then I became angry, then I became sad.until it reaches a sort of nihilistic calmness and serenity, before a joyous sense of feeling relieved and knowing you know the truth and that's all that matters.

If you want to know why beauty standards have only increased for women in entertainment, why the real reason women were historically shamed for promiscuity, or why boys aren't allowed to play with dolls, or why men become so dependent on female company to the point of murder and suicide.this is the answer to everything you seek, this conspiracy has been in the works for many centuries. Esther Vilar wrote one of the only pieces of literature that ever truly changed the way I think. I have read many books that moved me, but Ms. It has left a irreversible mark of truth onto me. Suffice to say, I finished it in just two days. After noticing numerous mentions of this book elsewhere, I decided to read for myself.